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“Shall we go on a trip?” Jin-wook and So-ri couple have been dating for 6 years. So-ri randomly suggests that they should go on a trip along with her best friend Mi-ra and her boyfriend. It is because she promised with Mi-ra before that the four should go on a trip together once Mi-ra has a boyfriend. Jin-wook does not feel comfortable with her plan because he has not been interested in So-ri’s friend at all and has not had a meal even once with the friend together so far. However, he unwillingly decides to go on the trip. As Jin-wook heard that Mi-ra and her boyfriend would prepare all of camping equipment and fishing gadgets, he really does not prepare anything. He only packs the reading material for his thesis in his backpack so that he can work on the thesis that he has been preparing for the last few years continuously. While So-ri was not happy with Jin-wook who has been complaining about every single thing, she is surprised to see how sweet Mi-ra’s boyfriend is. Also, So-ri becomes tired of Jin-wook’s immature behaviors. Mi-ra’s boyfriend Gyeong-hoon has prepared everything for the camping trip including the tent rental, fishing, and cooking. He is just a perfect guy with such a considerate manner towards his girlfriend Mi-ra. Jin-wook, unhappy with the situation, makes a sarcastic comment about Gyeong-hoon for working as a DJ at a club. From Jin-wook’s point of view, Gyeong-hoon is nothing compared to his career as a teaching assistant, who is preparing for his master’s degree at the age of 35. Because So-ri feels sorry for not preparing anything for the trip, she helps Gyeong-hoon cooking the meal diligently, while Mi-ra, who is hypocritical often, stays inside their tent along with Jin-wook and shares her secret personal stories with him.


  • 0.0HD罪·爱章子怡,郭富城,濮存昕,蒋雯丽,蔡国庆,王宝强,李丹阳,陶泽如,孙海英,李建华,胡泽涛,郭永章,姜文,陆川,冯小刚
  • 0.0HD坏小子리사,김지선
  • 0.0HD禁止性爱:甜蜜的复仇Song Eun-chae (송은채),Yoo Jang-yeong (유장영),Jang Ha-ram (장하람),Kim Joo-hwan-II (김주환)
  • 0.0完结大盛魁于震,乔振宇,吴连生,周显欣,午马,王绘春,郑玉
  • 0.0完结白夜追凶潘粤明,王龙正,梁缘,吕晓霖,尹姝贻,侯雪龙,宋乃刚,王余阳,博超,李胜强,韩烨洲,杨凯迪,马薇,张栋栋,李振涛,李胜荣,张芯宁,岳士涵,吴文璟,刘柏希,黄烁文,孙蛟龙,周军,王政,梁刚,高梓刚,刘辛格,曾子建,刘天蔚,王剑明,张兆忠,张璐,刘宣,陈伟,鹿时源,孙建江,孙乐天,张美琪,国立刚,杨大为,宋永恒,天笑,秦海,杨阳,宁小花,高果,于京京
  • 0.0HD受害者2013Stephen, Weigand
  • 0.0HD聚会的目的 迅雷下载李哲熙,이유미,池恩瑞,김성환
  • 0.0HD恶之花李准基,文彩元,张熙珍,徐贤宇,孙钟学,南基爱,赵庆淑,林娜荣,杨慧珍,郑泽贤,崔代勋,崔英俊,林哲亨,申贤宗,崔秉默,洪瑞俊,尹炳熙,朴秀妍,尹熙锡
  • 0.0HD提防老千粤语张家辉,王晶,陈炜,张兆辉
  • 0.0HD斗破苍穹·止戈内详
  • 0.0HD孤注一掷张艺兴,金晨,周也,孙阳,王大陆,王传君
  • 0.0HD落花洞新娘白柳嫣,朱旻昕,倪寒尽,任学海,周小飞,周炎

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