• 伊万娜2022HD
  • 剧情介绍

  Since the death of their father and mother, Ambar and Dika move to a nursing home owned by their parents’ best friend and their son, Agus. There are three people in the nursing home of Masa Toea: Grandma Ani, Grandpa Farid, and Oma Ida. The three are taken care of by Rina, a nurse who is also Agus’s girlfriend. Not long after Ambar and Dika’s move, Oma Ida’s grandson, Arthur, comes to celebrate Eid. Ambar, who has the ability to see mystical things, accidentally gets a vision from the past: Ivanna, a Dutch woman, was tortured by Japanese soldiers which resulted in losing her head. A series of mystical events begin to haunt Ambar and all the residents of the nursing home, especially after they find a headless statue in the basement along with a vinyl record containing a scary song. On the day of Eid, things got even more tense when the residents of the orphanage found that Granny Ani has died without a head. Everyone panicky, especially when one by one the mystery of Ivanna’s revenge is revealed. With the safety of all the residents of the orphanage now in danger, Ambar is required to finish Ivanna’s revenge, before the spirit takes their lives.


  • 0.0HD阴阳先生张赫,高成龙,巩汉林,刘仪伟
  • 0.0HD电锯惊魂10托宾·贝尔,肖妮·史密斯,西诺薇·玛考迪·伦德,史蒂文·布兰德,蕾内塔·瓦卡,约书亚·奧卡莫托,奥克塔维奥·伊诺埃萨,波莱特·埃尔南德斯,Jorge,Briseño,科斯塔斯·曼迪勒,迈克尔·比奇,伊森·李,大卫·阿尔法诺,凯蒂·巴贝里,露西娅·戈麦斯-罗夫莱多,多纳·戈登,Sebastián,Torres,Cristo,Ruiz,Baltimore,Beltran,Kerry,Ardra
  • 0.0已完结午夜43路张兆辉,周俊伟,李梓宸,蔡瀚亿,邵音音,潘绍聪,陈颖欣,蔡明芳,赵慧珊,许雅婷,陈志健,周家怡,龚慈恩,廖子妤,林芊妤,吳佩孚
  • 0.0HD犬神家族石坂浩二,岛田阳子,青井辉彦,高峰三枝子,草笛光子,三条美纪,川口晶,坂口良子,地井武男,川口恒,小林昭二,三谷升,寺田稔,辻万长,Hiroya Morita,佳那晃子,原泉,大泷秀治,金田龙之介,加藤武,横沟正史,三木纪平,岸田今日子,小泽荣太郎,三国连太郎,角川春树
  • 0.0完结步步惊心刘诗诗,吴奇隆,郑嘉颖,袁弘,林更新,刘松仁,刘心悠,韩栋,石筱群,刘玥霏,郭晓婷,戴春荣,郭珍霓,马天宇,叶青,郑凯,张雷,邓立民,穆婷婷,刘洁,沈保平,周彦呈,曹馨月,齐庆林,柴蔚,杨了,巴森,陈镜宇,王小东,胡中虎,康铭桐,邢瀚卿,赵家林,陆梅芳,霍冬冬,高森,纪雪,郭金莹,瞿澳晖,曹阳,任学海,李林琳,杨晓波,王昱丹
  • 0.0HD咒怨奥菜惠,伊东美咲,上原美佐,市川由衣,津田宽治,藤贵子
  • 0.0HD电锯惊魂4托宾·贝尔,科斯塔斯·曼迪勒,斯科特·帕特森,贝茜·拉塞尔,雷瑞克·本特,雅典娜·卡尔卡尼斯,路易斯·费雷拉,西蒙·雷诺兹,唐尼·沃尔伯格,安古斯·麦克菲登,肖妮·史密斯,巴哈·索莫克,迪娜·迈耶,迈克·瑞巴,马蒂·亚当斯
  • 0.0HD电锯惊魂9克里斯·洛克,塞缪尔·杰克逊,麦克思·明格拉,马利索·妮可,摩根·大卫·琼斯,阿莉·约翰逊,弗兰克·利卡里,约翰·托卡特利迪斯,佐伊·帕尔默,丹·皮特隆杰维奇,理查德·泽皮里,伊迪·英克斯特,莱拉·丽,克里斯托弗·泰,盖内尔·威廉姆斯,莱昂尼达斯·卡斯特罗尼斯,克里斯·柯林斯,纳齐恩·康特拉科特,卢克·加洛,乔什·斯托博格
  • 0.0HD南茅北马葛帅,杜志国,于
  • 0.0BD加班遇到鬼查克利·彦纳姆,雷·麦克唐纳,阿南达·爱华灵咸,FonNalinthip,GunNuttanun,SudthasitPodthasak,PeteiHokari,SuamSukhapat
  • 0.0HD恶灵春梦松川千紘,古谷連,辻凪子
  • 0.0已完结电锯惊魂6在线观看托宾·贝尔,科斯塔斯·曼迪勒,马克·罗斯顿,贝茜·拉塞尔,肖妮·史密斯,彼德·奥德博拉治,雅典娜·卡尔卡尼斯,萨曼莎·莱摩尔,坦迪亚·霍华德,马蒂·莫罗,肖恩·艾哈迈德,珍妮尔·哈奇森,格里·曼迪西诺,卡罗琳·凯芙,乔治·纽伯恩

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